Huddle01 X FVM: Video Jam Hackathon Submission Checklist โœ…

Huddle01 X FVM: Video Jam Hackathon Submission Checklist โœ…

Everything you need to know to prep for a great hackathon submission that stands out ๐Ÿ”ฎ


4 min read

As the Huddle01 X FVM Video Jam Hackathon approaches its end, it is now time to prep for a kickass final submission to increase your chances of winning!

Now, whether you're a seasoned hackathon builder or just a beginner, here are some key points to keep in mind to make sure your project submission stands out in the competition โคต๏ธ

1. Demo Video and Photos ๐Ÿ“ธ

One of the most critical aspects of your submission is the demo video. It's crucial to record your demo video on time and keep it as short as possible. Try to limit your video to a maximum of 4 minutes with a voiceover where you do a walk-through of your project and tell us about the technologies used. Remember, the main goal is to showcase a working demo of your project with all the features. Ensure the video is publicly visible on YouTube, Vimeo, or Youku.

For photos, adding flow diagrams that help the judges understand the workings of your project is a great idea. You can use any online tool to create a quick flow diagram. Apart from that, add screenshots of the project you have built. Adding a photo of the most critical page or feature first is crucial because there is a limit to adding pictures in your submission.

While judging, we will see your GitHub repository, so make sure to keep it public. It would be great if it also had a record of GitHub commits. Also, ensure you have written a proper README file with all setup instructions. Submit a single GitHub link while submitting a project. It will be difficult to judge if you submit multiple repositories with the same name.

3. Writing a summary of your Project โœ๐Ÿฝ

It's essential to write a description of your project that tells the story of what problem you are trying to solve. While submitting your assignment on DevFolio, you have to answer two questions:

  1. What problem are you trying to solve?

    Start by explaining the problem you are trying to solve. After presenting the problem, showcase your solution for it. Briefly explain how you built this solution. This is the section where you can explain what features you have built and how they will help in real-world scenarios. Be as specific as possible while writing this answer. In this section, you can also mention how you used a particular technology like Huddle01 and FVM. Use markdown to highlight the critical points.

  2. What challenges have you faced?

    Write about the challenges you faced while building the project. Feel free to write about all your challenges, such as integrating SDK or thinking about the smart contract logic. Giving the judges an idea of the hurdles you faced while building the project is a good thing ๐Ÿฆพ

  3. Tools and Technologies Used

    List the technologies used to build your project, such as FVM, Huddle01, ethers.js, wagmi, etc. You must mention all the tools and technologies you used while building the project.

4. Selecting the right Track for your Project ๐Ÿ†

While submitting a project on DevFolio, you must select the track and explain how your project fits. For example, if you have chosen a token gating track, mention how your project falls in that track. Be as specific as possible while answering that question. It's essential to provide a sufficient reason why your project fits that particular track.

For tracks such as FVM, you can also add the URL of the deployed smart contract link, e.g., for Filecoin, you can have a link to block explorers like Beryx, Glif, or Filfox. You can submit the project for as many tracks as you want, but remember that you need to write a sufficient reason for why your project lies in any given track.

Keeping these key points in mind while adding the final touches to your submission will ensure that your project stands out in the competition. Remember to keep it concise, specific, and to the point.

๐Ÿ“ To check out other important guidelines & criteria for submitting your project, click here.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Submit your project here.

๐Ÿค” And in case of any questions, ask away on our Discord.

Good luck โš’๏ธ
